Monday 17 June 2024

Quadruped Horse Walk Tutorial

Horse walk by Matt Lawson-Hall
We've uploaded a new series of video tutorials on animating quadrupeds, a "Horse Walk Tutorial" using the "Rhett The Clydesdale" Maya Rig, which is free to download.

All animators need to learn how to animate a quadruped walk cycle.  The horse walk tutorial is password-protected but available to all our current students.

Quadruped Walk Tutorial
The tutorial is broken into four parts, and is based on a simplified breakdown of a quadruped walk, using basic techniques to get a fast and accurate result. 

Start with the thumbnails on the right. 

Work Method
  1. Begin at frame 1 with the rear right foot contact.  Frame 33 must be the same. 1 & 33 must be identical for the cycle to work.
  2. Then do frame 17 - a mirror image of frame 1 and 33.
  3. Then do frame 9 - front right foot contact, and frame 25, front left foot contact. Frame 9 and 25 are mirror images of each other.
  4. Now do frame 5 and frame 21 - the high point at the shoulders, and the low point at the back. These poses are also mirror images of each other
  5. Now do frame 13 and frame 29, the low point at the shoulders and the high point at the back. These poses are also mirror images of each other.
  6. Finally, tidy your curves. 

Image Plane in Maya
Import an Image Plane into Maya
You can also import the thumbnails directly into your shot onto an image plane - watch this short video to see how to do this

Rhett the Clydesdale Horse Rig
The tutorial uses the Rhett the Clydesdale rig, which can be found here. If you can't find it, email us for a copy at 

Other Horse Rigs

Quadruped Locomotion - Walks - Animation Reel
To see some of the best quadruped walks done by our students, watch the reel below:

Horse Walk Tutorial Part 1
Free Gorgeous George Horse Rig
How to set up the rig, and optimise the settings.  Then, we start to animate the walk. 

Horse Walk Tutorial Part 2
In part two, we position the feet at frame 1 and 33

Horse Walk Tutorial Part 3
Get the feet moving, using as few keyframes as possible to make the motion work effectively, adding the extreme positions on the shoulders and rear of the animal.

Horse Walk Tutorial Part 4

The horse walk tutorial is password-protected, but free for all our currently enrolled students. 

Animal and Creature Animation at Animation Apprentice
Animate a Crab Scuttle
We have many, many video tutorials for animating animals and creatures. To get started, see the blog posts below:

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