Artifact wins Special Mention at One Reeler Fest |
"Artifact" is a short film created by Kristis Bandzevicius. "Artifact" was written, produced and directed by Kristis, currently studying at Animation Apprentice, in partnership with Buckinghamshire New University, studying for his MA in 3D Animation. This is the film's third festival award.
You can watch Artifact below.
Inspiration for "Artifact"
Inspired by the immersive, dark and gloomy atmosphere of video games such as "Inside", director Kristis Bandzevicius wanted to tell a story "based on surroundings rather than using dialogue", a simple tale of "a lonely robot in a desolate world, searching for any signs of life."
"Artifact" was created as part of the final module of the Master's Degree in 3D Animation at BNU, Module DA704, which involves the creation of a final project and demo reel.
Artifact at IMDB
You can find "Artifact" at the IMDB.
Festival Success
This is the third award for Artifact, which has already won
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