Meet "Artifact", a new short film created by Animation Apprentice student Kristis Bandzevicius. "Artifact" was written, produced and directed by Kristis, who is currently studying for his MA in 3D Animation with our academic partner, Buckinghamshire New University. "Artifact" was completed during the course of Kristis' final module at BNU, and is currently being entered into film festivals.
Sunday, 26 December 2021
Tuesday, 21 December 2021
New Year Class Starts 10 January 2022
It's not too late to book a place; all you need to do is visit the main Animation Apprentice site and go through a few simple steps.
If you want to learn 3D animation to a professional level, and start your new career as an animator - your journey starts here.
Monday, 20 December 2021
How to Give Feedback When You're a Beginner
Recently a student at Animation Apprentice asked the following question: "What's the etiquette on leaving feedback when you're a beginner? I had a few thoughts on a student's shot. But I was reluctant to post them as it got a bit too nit-picky and I'm not an expert. So I don't want to give feedback that won't improve the piece, or steer them in the wrong direction. And I don't want to insult someone who's much better at this than me."
It's a good question. The answer is simple - trust your instincts, be positive, and understand that your opinion is as valuable as anyone else's.
Sunday, 19 December 2021
What Kind of Tablet Should our Students Buy?
Friday, 17 December 2021
Benn Garnish Product Manager at fTrack
Benn's remit at fTrack is creative direction and strategy, currently leveraging the technology of Virtual Reality to treat mental health conditions.
Benn leads a team of developers and digital artists, with successful releases in the NHS, Hong Kong and the United States.
Benn's career shows how many animators are now moving into areas of medical animation, VR and AR, literally helping to save lives.
Thursday, 16 December 2021
Charlie & Yip Wins Best Trailer at NEXT Fest
My short film "Charlie and Yip" has won another festival award - Best Trailer at the NEXT Film Festival.
Charlie and Yip is a short film about a kid who takes his pet to school for Show and Tell, which turns out to be a bad idea.
It is a really a teaser for my indie feature film project "My Haunted House", which is still in development.
Wednesday, 15 December 2021
Why Animators Should Submit Early
Deadlines matter, and for all our students studying for their Online MA in 3D Animation at Buckinghamshire New University, it is very important to submit formal assessments on time.
At BNU the animation lecturers have very little leeway in accepting late submissions. The "No Detriment" policy that was in place following the Covid Pandemic is now at an end, and BNU deadlines are now a lot more rigid than they have been for the past year. Our recommendation to all our master's degree students is this: Don't wait until the due date to submit your work. Instead, aim to submit your work the night before.
Tuesday, 14 December 2021
Ragdoll Dynamics for Maya
Ragdoll is a real-time physics solver for Maya, similar the native nCloth and nHair solvers except that it works on transforms rather than points.
Monday, 13 December 2021
Why Animators Should "Make it Funnier"
"Make it funnier" is not a bad note. As they say in Hollywood, "funny is money". Animators should always remember that at the end of the day we are working in the entertainment industry; once we have mastered the body mechanics and the technical skills to make our characters move convincingly, we have to give a great performance, make our work fun to watch.
In the end, audiences don't care that much about technical skills - they just want to be entertained.
Friday, 10 December 2021
Why Animators Should Avoid Potty Jokes
The key thing to remember is that our industry remains largely focused on family entertainment, and most companies hiring junior talent are looking for animators who can create fun, entertaining scenes that are suitable for a family audience.
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